Binghamton Dog Trainer
Dog Training in Broome, Chenango, Delaware Counties and Surrounding Areas.
Detection Training/K9 Search and Rescue
Would you like to get involved with scent work for pets dogs, odor detection or K9 Search and Rescue?
We offer private detection training programs for pet dogs looking to keep busy as well as working dogs in a variety of disciplines.

Kara has been involved with K9 search and rescue since 2009.
She is a long time member of Amigo Search and Rescue Dogs, a non-profit volunteer search and rescue team that provides free assistance to emergency services and professional resources (including K9s) for the searches of lost and missing persons.
Kara has certified multiple K9s in both Airscent and Human Remains Detection. She is also a tester for Airscent and HRD dogs through New York Federation of Search and Rescue.
SAR K9s-
Otto- Airscent/HRD -retired
Krillin- crime scene HRD- Operational
Scent Work/Odor detection for Pet Dogs
Scent work is an awesome way to give your dog a job and build your relationship. Scent work can be done with dogs of any age, breed or size. Most clients choose to teach their dog to find articles with human scent however, odor detection can be done with any odor you wish such as Sheds, Mushrooms, or Oils used for AKC scent work trials. You must provide your own odors you wish to teach your dog to find. This program can also be used to teach your dog to find people for fun, a helpful skill for families for autistic or overly adventurous kids. This program includes but is not limited to Drive building, Hunting exercises, Handler education on how to work your dog in different environments based on the wind/terrain conditions. Trained final Response/ Indication at source such as a sit/down.
6 Lessons- 595
8 Lessons-720
12 Lessons-1080
Odor Detection for Working dogs- Explosive/ Drug/Bed Bug Detection
Odor Detection for working dogs is one on one training for K9 Handlers or Handlers in training looking to improve any aspect of their training with their dog. This may include things such as building hunt drive, improving reward system, improving the threshold the dog recognizes odor, Improving consistency, duration or distance of trained final response.
6 Lessons- 595
8 Lessons-720
12 Lessons-1080
Wilderness K9 Search and Rescue Training
SAR dogs are trained to assist in locating missing people. Air Scent Dogs- Air Scent Dogs work off leash with their handler to locate living humans. These dogs range away from their handler to locate the missing person and return back to their handler to preform a trained indication such as a bump or bark then return to the subject. These dogs will repeat the find/indication until the handler has reached the subject.
Human Remain Detection Dogs- HRD dogs are trained to locate human remains and perform a trained indication at the source of odor.
Trailing Dogs- Trailing dogs work on leash and follow the scent of a specific individual using a scent article.
Search and Rescue Dogs are typically trained with the guidance of a search and rescue team that handler is an active member of. SAR dogs and their handlers must pass a series of tests both on team and off team in order to become operational. SAR dogs can only be deployed when requested through an official agency such as DEC or Police. K9 SAR is a big time investment for both the handler and the dog. This is not for regular pet dogs. K9 SAR is non profit, and SAR teams offer on team training for qualified handlers and dogs free of charge, however becoming an operational handler requires a big time investment for training and deployment. To locate a team near you, and find details about human and canine requirements and standards you can visit the New York State Federation of Search and Rescue In the Binghamton area you can contact Amigo Search and Rescue Dogs
If you are a current SAR K9 handler in training and would like some more guidance we do offer private training lessons for Human Remains Detection and Air scent (Live find) dogs
6 Lessons- 575
8 Lessons-720
12 Lessons-1020
SAR programs have a lower price range due to the volunteer aspect of this discipline
(Prices do not include mileage)
We only offer SAR training for air scent, article and HRD training. If you are looking for tracking/trailing,
I highly recommend Vom Kugelblitz kennels and all breed training